Procraft Grouser Bar is available in high carbon and heat treated Boron.
High Carbon Grouser Bars are manufactured using premium carbon steel to ensure the very best product for your Grouser needs. Our High Carbon Bar is 1070 Carbon steel with a hardness of Rc 25-28.
Our High Carbon Bar is a long lasting, cost effective option for re-grousering and Ice Lugging light to medium sized equipment. Common size ice lugs are available for sale also.
Heat-Treated Grouser Bars are manufactured to deliver optimum wear performance; this is achieved by using premium 10B35 boron steel heat treated to a hardness of Rc 45-47. Using Heat Treated Bar, you can expect an additional 50-75% longer wear time than our High Carbon grouser bar, making it the perfect choice for your moderate to heavy duty needs. Our Heat Treated Bar is a longer-lasting, tougher product ideal for re-grousering and Ice Lugging medium to large equipment.