9/16 inch PRO6C Compacted Bright EIPS
6 Outer Strands, PowerStrand PRO6C Wire Rope
9/16" PRO6C wire rope is offered in a 6x26 construction. Compacting the wire rope is designed for increased strength, flexibility and rope stability. It is commonly used as winch lines, crane truck ropes, clam shell buckets, logging mainlines, anchor lines, trolley lines and trailer loaders.
Construction: 6x26WS (10+(5+5)+5+1) Warrington Seale
Finish: Ungalvanized
Lay: Right Hand Regular Lay
Load Bearing Outer Wires: 156
Fill Factor: 0.64
Tensile Grade: EIPS
Minimum Breaking Strength: 163.7kN (36,800 lbs.)
* Use of swivel is Not permited