2247C ProCraft Twist Link
Singles with Cams
This is the most common traction chain on highway trucks today. This chain is an entry level carbon steel link chain and does not offer the best traction or service life, but is the most economical way to full fill DOT highway traction chain requirements. This new ProCraft 4 cam design with wide cross chain will fit 11R22.5 and 11R24.5 tires. They are also supplied with rubber tensioners.
This chain fits the following tire sizes:
11R22.5, 275/75-22.5, 285/70-22.5, 285/75-22.5, 295/70-22.5, 295/75-22.5, 305/70-22.5
11R24.5, 275/80-24.5, 285/70-24.5, 285/75-24.5
! ! ! While these chains are intended to fit a wide range, tire manufacturing variances may require a larger chain (winter vs. summer tires). Always pre-fit chains before use ! ! !