1-3/4 inch 6x36 IWRC Galvanized EEIPS
6 Outer Strands, PowerStrand 6x36 Wire Rope
6 x 36WS Construction is a good general purpose crane wire rope which is a flexible and wear resistant. It is suitable for slings, winch lines, mooring lines, overhead crane ropes, piling ropes, and tow ropes.
Construction: 6x36 (1+7+(7+7)+14) Warrington Seale IWRC
Finish: Drawn Galvanized
Lay: Right Hand Regular Lay
Load Bearing Outer Wires: 216
Fill Factor: 0.59
Tensile Grade: Extra Extra Improved Plow Steel (EEIPS)
Minimum Breaking Strength: 336,600 lbs.
* Use of swivel is Not permited